
Hi! I'm Janine

Ortho-Bionomy Advanced Practitioner & Instructor

I help people break free of tension, pain & stress. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my Body Knows Best newsletter!

woman in blue and gray jacket holding green plant during daytime
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Bend right to avoid back pain

Do you have trouble with low back pain when gardening or doing other activities that require bending forward? Or have you stopped gardening or other fun things because it hurts? The key to bending without hurting your back is to focus on bending at the HIPS instead of the knees The reason is that while the vertebrae in our mid to upper backs and necks are shaped to allow us to twist and bend forward and backward, the vertebrae in our low backs are shaped in a way that actually limits these...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read
woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands

Is it 'do nothing' week for you? For many of us, the week between Xmas & New Year is a kind of liminal time where 'nothing' happens and it's more acceptable to rest and reset. But sometimes we have so much stress stored in our bodies from the old year that it feels hard to really relax before the new one, and just slowing down and doing nothing doesn't work. If that's you, try the suggestions below for releasing your built-up stress. They come from my favourite book of 2022 which I highly...

over 1 year ago • 2 min read
two woman sitting on bed inside room

Are your periods hard to bear, with terrible moods before your period, strong period pain and other symptoms? If not, does someone you know suffer like this? I used to suffer severe symptoms from my teens to my 30s, being 'out of action' for many days each month. Conventional medicine only offered me painkillers and the contraceptive pill - which either didn't help much or caused unwanted side-effects, for me and many other women. You probably think - like I did - that if you have difficult...

almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
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